Engage is a church movement. Simply put, movements are designed to move. We take the church to where people live their lives (homes, businesses, online, etc.) through micro gatherings, fostering relationships with Jesus and others. These micro gatherings then unite for worship in a larger expression to celebrate God's work among us (1st & 3rd Sundays). We prioritize multigenerational involvement where everyone has a sense of belonging, decentralized leadership where we are all using our giftings, and journeying together – living by faith, laboring in love and enduring with hope in Jesus.
Join us on the 1st/3rd Sundays, 10 a.m. 20 E Gregory Blvd., Kansas City, Mo.
We sing, partake in Communion and study scripture. Engage Kids participate in worship through song and Communion and then head to their own class for Bible time, games, art, service projects and more.
Lunch is served following service.
The Engage Online Worship Experience is posted on the 1st/3rd Sundays to our website and social media.
Join us online @ engagesouthkc.com, YouTube.com or Facebook.
You're also invited to explore The Deconstructed Church, a space where congregants create their own virtual liturgy.
Engage Groups meet in homes on the 2nd/4th Sundays of the month from 4-6 p.m. to enjoy dinner together as well as activities and Bible study for adults and kids. For more information, email engagesouthkc@gmail.com.
Schedule a meeting with a pastor: https://engagesouthkc.com/contact.
Support Engage, https://engagesouthkc.com/give.