What’s Your Next Table?  

More than a piece of furniture, tables are gathering places where all are welcome, conversation flows freely and where the lives of those gathered can be deeply impacted. A table is a symbol of family, community, faithful presence and our deep desire to be known and be loved.  

We’re calling on all ENGAGERS to join us in setting tables.

Questions? EngageTables@gmail.com

You prayerfully choose the people and the place. Set up a “table” in the park for a play date with friends from church, set up a table in your home for a family meal, set up a table by intentionally connecting with your neighbors, other parents on your kid’s softball team, etc. For many of us, the table is underutilized. It’s been covered with the clutter of a busy, modern life. Let’s clear the table and Create Space for others. 

Too many of us in our community are living isolated lives. Overwhelmed by life, but having too few meaningful conversations about things that matter. We all have stories from our days and weeks. Share your stories (Matt. 5:16) and hear the stories of others gathered around the table. 

Note the stories of your table guests. Commit to praying for your guests and watch God work. 

We'd love to hear your table stories! You can send a short story about how your table gatherings have impacted you to EngageTables@gmail.com so we can celebrate together. A photo of the table (with or without the people) or a sketch can be fun to share, too. Remember, please don't share names/photos unless everyone in your group wanted to share the story with us.