Welcome to Engage

Take a look at our logo. What do you notice?

Hopefully, you see a nod to the cross. Perhaps you notice intersections as well.   Let’s talk about intersections. We focus on three main intersections:

  • The intersection between urban and suburban life
  • The intersection between faith and the arts
  • The intersection between those who know Jesus and those who don't

Engage was planted at the intersection of urban and suburban life in the Waldo/Brookside area of KC. We now have locations in Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. Ever with our eye on the cross, a symbol of Jesus’ love for us all, we hope Engage is a place where those who have never met Jesus before, those who have known him a long time and those who are getting to know him can grow in deeper relationship with him and together.

We invite you to be a part of this community as we continue in work produced by faith, prompted by love and inspired by hope in Jesus.

Guiding Verse

We believe God gave us 1 Thessalonians 1:3 to help chart the course for Engage.

1 Thessalonians 1:3, “We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

This passage is the beginning of a letter Paul wrote to Thessalonica. Thessalonica was the capital of Macedonia, a Roman province in northern Greece.

  • It was a commercial city/hub and an intersection of people from all walks of life, like KC.
  • It was strategically built along the Aegean Sea for easy water transport of goods, like KC was built along the Missouri river.
  • It was incredibly diverse with an array of unique people and philosophies, like KC.

We see the story of when Paul and Silas first evangelized Thessalonica in Acts 17. They spent three Sabbaths preaching to them. Many Jews and Greeks came to the faith. While Paul and Silas were run out of town by religious leaders, the faith continued to spread.

Sharing the Gospel in a difficult, secular climate, these Christians were showing evidence of work produced by faith, labor prompted by love and endurance inspired by hope. They were an engaged Kingdom-focused community. And we aim to be that kind of community even today.

A vision statement often comes down to "Where are we going?" And a mission statement answers, "How are we getting there?" Engage's vision and mission are inspired by our Guiding Verse.


Inspired by Jesus, Impacting our City and the World


Every day, we live by faith, labor in love and, when things get tough, we endure with hope in Jesus our LORD.

Discipleship Strategy

We grow spiritually by practicing four key habits: Spending Time With God, Spending Time With Others, Using Our Gifts and Sharing Our Stories. Each quarter of our annual schedule, which is also guided by the Revised Common Lectionary, we focus on one habit through sermons, events, Bible studies and 5th Sunday gatherings to deepen our faith and impact the world. Read more here.