Big Idea: I believe God is powerful
Scripture: Matthew 4:1–11; Psalm 36:5–10
Flourishing: We're inspired by 1 Thess. 1:3 to see all people living by faith, laboring in love and enduring through hope in Jesus. This is more than surviving – it’s thriving and flourishing. We’ve used Barna Research Group’s five areas of flourishing to organize resources that we believe will help you flourish and, in turn, live inspired by Jesus, impacting our city and the world. Go here for a clickable version of our resource list.
Text "ONLINE" to 833-912-0460 to find out about more online options.
Text "IN PERSON" to 833-912-0460 to find out about in person gatherings in the KC Metro.
Text PRAYER REQUESTS to 833-912-0460 or email engagechurchmovement@gmail.com.